Saturday, September 02, 2017

Adventures with Ignatius Noogent

This is a dream from a while ago. I was in Lincoln, Nebraska, and a white supremacist guy called Ignatius Noogent had emerged from his parents' basement and was going about town hunting down and shooting anyone who looked Asian. I ran down the avenue to avoid his bullets. Eventually I ducked into a building and into something that looked like a classroom. As I hid under the table, I realised that the lights and the ceiling fan were still on. Shit! I can't turn those off now; he'll know that I'm here! Now the gunman had entered the building and was patrolling down the corridor, whereupon I woke up in cold sweat, not just out of a sense of doom, but also because who the heck spells the name as Noogent anyway

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:05 pm

    omg! at first glance i thought you were really in the escape!
